Build full hierarchical clustering tree
This function performs the first step of the CHOIR algorithm. It constructs a hierarchical clustering tree starting from a single cluster encompassing all cells. First, a root tree is constructed, from which subtrees are subsequently generated. Each branch is subdivided until all cells are demonstrably overclustered.
key = "CHOIR",
alpha = 0.05,
p_adjust = "bonferroni",
feature_set = "var",
exclude_features = NULL,
n_iterations = 100,
n_trees = 50,
use_variance = TRUE,
min_accuracy = 0.5,
min_connections = 1,
max_repeat_errors = 20,
distance_approx = TRUE,
sample_max = Inf,
downsampling_rate = "auto",
min_reads = NULL,
max_clusters = "auto",
min_cluster_depth = 2000,
normalization_method = "none",
subtree_reductions = TRUE,
reduction_method = NULL,
reduction_params = list(),
n_var_features = NULL,
batch_correction_method = "none",
batch_correction_params = list(),
batch_labels = NULL,
neighbor_params = list(),
cluster_params = list(algorithm = 1, group.singletons = TRUE),
use_assay = NULL,
use_slot = NULL,
ArchR_matrix = NULL,
ArchR_depthcol = NULL,
countsplit = FALSE,
countsplit_suffix = NULL,
reduction = NULL,
var_features = NULL,
atac = FALSE,
n_cores = NULL,
random_seed = 1,
verbose = TRUE
- object
An object of class
, orArchRProject
. For multi-omic data, we recommend usingArchRProject
objects.- key
The name under which CHOIR-related data for this run is stored in the object. Defaults to “CHOIR”.
- alpha
A numerical value indicating the significance level used for permutation test comparisons of cluster distinguishability. Defaults to 0.05. Decreasing the alpha value will yield more conservative clusters (fewer clusters) and will often decrease the computational time required, because fewer cluster comparisons may be needed.
- p_adjust
A string indicating which multiple comparison adjustment method to use. Permitted values are “bonferroni”, “fdr”, and “none”. Defaults to “bonferroni”. Other correction methods may be less conservative, identifying more clusters, as CHOIR applies filters that reduce the total number of tests performed.
- feature_set
A string indicating whether to train random forest classifiers on “all” features or only variable (“var”) features. Defaults to “var”. Computational time and memory required may increase if more features are used. Using all features instead of variable features may result in more conservative cluster calls.
- exclude_features
A character vector indicating features that should be excluded from input to the random forest classifier. Defaults to
, which means that no features will be excluded. This parameter can be used, for example, to exclude features correlated with cell quality, such as mitochondrial genes. Failure to exclude problematic features could result in clusters driven by cell quality, while over-exclusion of features could reduce the ability of CHOIR to distinguish cell populations that differ by those features.- n_iterations
A numerical value indicating the number of iterations run for each permutation test comparison. Increasing the number of iterations will approximately linearly increase the computational time required but provide a more accurate estimation of the significance of the permutation test. Decreasing the number of iterations runs the risk of leading to underclustering due to lack of statistical power. The default value, 100 iterations, was selected because it avoids underclustering, while minimizing computational time and the diminishing returns from running CHOIR with additional iterations.
- n_trees
A numerical value indicating the number of trees in each random forest. Defaults to 50. Increasing the number of trees is likely to increase the computational time required. Though not entirely predictable, increasing the number of trees up to a point may enable more nuanced distinctions, but is likely to provide diminishing returns.
- use_variance
A Boolean value indicating whether to use the variance of the random forest accuracy scores as part of the permutation test threshold. Defaults to
. Setting this parameter toFALSE
will make CHOIR considerably less conservative, identifying more clusters, particularly on large datasets.- min_accuracy
A numerical value indicating the minimum accuracy required of the random forest classifier, below which clusters will be automatically merged. Defaults to 0.5, representing the random chance probability of assigning correct cluster labels; therefore, decreasing the minimum accuracy is not recommended. Increasing the minimum accuracy will lead to more conservative cluster assignments and will often decrease the computational time required, because fewer cluster comparisons may be needed.
- min_connections
A numerical value indicating the minimum number of nearest neighbors between two clusters for those clusters to be considered adjacent. Non-adjacent clusters will not be merged. Defaults to 1. This threshold allows CHOIR to avoid running the full permutation test comparison for clusters that are highly likely to be distinct, saving computational time. Therefore, setting this parameter to 0 will increase the number of permutation test comparisons run and, thus, the computational time. The intent of this parameter is only to avoid running permutation test comparisons between clusters that are so different that they should not be merged. Therefore, we do not recommend increasing this parameter value beyond 10, as higher values may result in instances of overclustering.
- max_repeat_errors
A numerical value indicating the maximum number of repeatedly mislabeled cells that will be taken into account during the permutation tests. This parameter is used to account for situations in which random forest classifier errors are concentrated among a few cells that are repeatedly misassigned. If set to 0, such repeat errors will not be evaluated. Defaults to 20. These situations are relatively infrequent, but setting this parameter to lower values (especially 0) may result in underclustering due to a small number of intermediate cells. Setting this parameter to higher values may lead to instances of overclustering and is not recommended.
- distance_approx
A Boolean value indicating whether or not to use approximate distance calculations. Defaults to
, which will use centroid-based distances. Setting distance approximation toFALSE
will substantially increase the computational time and memory required, particularly for large datasets. Using approximated distances (TRUE
) rather than absolute distances (FALSE
) is unlikely to have a meaningful effect on the distance thresholds imposed by CHOIR.- sample_max
A numerical value indicating the maximum number of cells to be sampled per cluster to train/test each random forest classifier. Defaults to
(infinity), which does not cap the number of cells used, so all cells will be used in all comparisons. Decreasing this parameter may decrease the computational time required, but may result in instances of underclustering. If input is provided to both thedownsampling_rate
parameters, the minimum resulting cell number is calculated and used for each comparison.- downsampling_rate
A numerical value indicating the proportion of cells to be sampled per cluster to train/test each random forest classifier. For efficiency, the default value, "auto", sets the downsampling rate according to the dataset size. Decreasing this parameter may decrease the computational time required, but may also make the final cluster calls more conservative. If input is provided to both
andsample_max parameters
, the minimum resulting cell number is calculated and used for each comparison.- min_reads
A numeric value used to filter out features prior to input to the random forest classifier. The default value,
, will filter out features with 0 counts for the current clusters being compared. Higher values should be used with caution, but may increase the signal-to-noise ratio encountered by the random forest classifiers.- max_clusters
Indicates the extent to which the hierarchical clustering tree will be expanded. Defaults to “auto”, which will expand the tree until cases of underclustering have been eliminated in all branches. Alternatively, supply a numerical value indicating the maximum number of clusters to which to the tree should be expanded. Using the default value for this parameter is highly recommended to avoid instances of underclustering. Setting a numerical value in this parameter hampers the ability of CHOIR to ensure that underclustering has not occurred.
- min_cluster_depth
A numerical value indicating the maximum cluster size at the bottom of the clustering tree, prior to pruning branches. Defaults to 2000. Increasing this parameter can cause a computational bottleneck when generating the initial clustering tree for some large datasets; therefore, the default value is recommended. However, changing this value is unlikely to have meaningful effects on the final cluster results.
- normalization_method
A character string or vector indicating which normalization method to use. In general, input data should be supplied to CHOIR after normalization, except when the user wishes to use
Seurat SCTransform
normalization. Permitted values are “none” or “SCTransform”. Defaults to “none”. Because CHOIR has not been tested thoroughly withSCTransform
normalization, we do not recommend this approach at this time. For multi-omic datasets, provide a vector with a value corresponding to each provided value ofuse_assay
in the same order.- subtree_reductions
A Boolean value indicating whether to generate a new dimensionality reduction and set of highly variable features for each subtree. Defaults to
, which enables CHOIR to compare similar clusters using a more nuanced set of features. Setting this parameter toFALSE
may decrease computational time, but may result in instances of underclustering.- reduction_method
A character string or vector indicating which dimensionality reduction method to use. Permitted values are “PCA” for principal component analysis, “LSI” for latent semantic indexing, and “IterativeLSI” for iterative latent semantic indexing. These three methods implement the
, theSignac
, and theArchR
, respectively. The default value,NULL
, will select a method based on the input data type, specifically “IterativeLSI” forArchR
objects, “LSI” forSeurat
objects when parameteratac
, and “PCA” in all other cases. For multi-omic datasets, provide a vector with a value corresponding to each provided value ofuse_assay
in the same order.- reduction_params
A list of additional parameters to be passed to the selected dimensionality reduction method. By default, CHOIR will use the default parameter settings of the dimensionality reduction method indicated by the input to parameter reduction_method. Input to this parameter is passed to each downstream dimensionality reduction method and will overwrite or augment those defaults. Altering the performance of the dimensionality reduction in CHOIR will affect downstream clustering results, but not in ways that are easily predictable.
- n_var_features
A numerical value indicating how many variable features to identify. Defaults to 2000 features for most data inputs, or 25000 features for ATAC-seq data. Increasing the number of features may increase the computational time and memory required. If the provided value is either substantially higher or lower, instances of underclustering may occur. For multi-omic datasets, provide a vector with a value corresponding to each provided value of
in the same order.- batch_correction_method
A character string indicating which batch correction method to use. Permitted values are “Harmony” and “none”. Defaults to “none”. Batch correction should only be used when the different batches are not expected to also have unique cell types or cell states. Using batch correction would ensure that clusters do not originate from a single batch, thereby making the final cluster calls more conservative.
- batch_correction_params
A list of additional parameters to be passed to the selected batch correction method for each iteration. Only applicable when
is “Harmony”.- batch_labels
A character string that, if applying batch correction, specifies the name of the column in the input object metadata containing the batch labels. Defaults to
.- neighbor_params
A list of additional parameters to be passed to
(or, in the case of multi-modal data forSeurat
).- cluster_params
A list of additional parameters to be passed to
for clustering at each level of the tree. By default, when theSeurat::FindClusters
is set toTRUE
, CHOIR relabels clusters such that each singleton constitutes its own cluster.- use_assay
objects, a character string or vector indicating the assay(s) to use in the provided object. The default value,NULL
, will choose the current active assay forSeurat
objects and thelogcounts
assay forSingleCellExperiment
objects.- use_slot
objects, a character string or vector indicating the layers(s)—previously known as slot(s)—to use in the provided object. The default value,NULL
, will choose a layer/slot based on the selected assay. If an assay other than "RNA", "sketch”, "SCT”, or "integrated" is provided, you must specify a value foruse_slot
. For multi-omic datasets, provide a vector with a value corresponding to each provided value ofuse_assay
in the same order.- ArchR_matrix
objects, a character string or vector indicating which matrix or matrices to use in the provided object. The default value,NULL
, will use the “GeneScoreMatrix” for ATAC-seq data or the “GeneExpressionMatrix” for RNA-seq data. For multi-omic datasets, provide a vector with a value corresponding to each modality. When "GeneScoreMatrix" is provided, the "GeneScoreMatrix" will be used as input to the random forest classifiers, but the "TileMatrix" will be used for the initial dimensionality reduction(s).- ArchR_depthcol
objects, a character string or vector indicating which column to use for correlation with sequencing depth. The default value,NULL
, will use the “nFrags” column for ATAC-seq data or the “Gex_nUMI” for RNA-seq data. For multi-omic datasets, provide a vector with a value corresponding to each provided value ofArchR_matrix
in the same order.- countsplit
A Boolean value indicating whether or not to use count split input data (see
package), such that one matrix of counts is used for clustering tree generation and a separate matrix is used for all random forest classifier permutation testing. Defaults toFALSE
. Enabling count splitting is likely to result in more conservative final cluster calls and is likely to perform best in datasets with high read depths.- countsplit_suffix
A character vector indicating the suffixes that distinguish the two count split matrices to be used. Suffixes are appended onto the input string/vector for parameter
objects, orArchR_matrix
objects. When count splitting is enabled, the default valueNULL
uses suffixes "_1" and "_2".- reduction
An optional matrix of dimensionality reduction cell embeddings provided by the user for subsequent clustering steps. By default, this parameter is set to
, and the dimensionality reduction(s) will be calculated using the method specified by thereduction_method
parameter.- var_features
An optional character vector of names of variable features to be used for subsequent clustering steps. By default, this parameter is set to
, and variable features will be calculated as part of running CHOIR. Input to this parameter is required when a dimensionality reduction is supplied to parameterreduction
. For multi-omic datasets, concatenate feature names for all modalities.- atac
A Boolean value or vector indicating whether the provided data is ATAC-seq data. For multi-omic datasets, provide a vector with a value corresponding to each provided value of
in the same order. Defaults toFALSE
.- n_cores
A numerical value indicating the number of cores to use for parallelization. By default, CHOIR will use the number of available cores minus 2. CHOIR is parallelized at the computation of permutation test iterations. Therefore, any number of cores up to the number of iterations will theoretically decrease the computational time required. In practice, 8–16 cores are recommended for datasets up to 500,000 cells.
- random_seed
A numerical value indicating the random seed to be used. Defaults to 1. CHOIR uses randomization throughout the generation and pruning of the clustering tree. Therefore, changing the random seed may yield slight differences in the final cluster assignments.
- verbose
A Boolean value indicating whether to use verbose output during the execution of CHOIR. Defaults to
, but can be set toFALSE
for a cleaner output.
Returns the object with the following added data stored under the provided key:
- cell_IDs
Cell IDs belonging to each subtree
- clusters
Full hierarchical clustering tree
- graph
All calculated nearest neighbor and shared nearest neighbor adjacency matrices
- parameters
Record of parameter values used
- records
Metadata for decision points during hierarchical tree construction
- reduction
Cell embeddings for all calculated dimensionality reductions
- var_features
Variable features for all calculated dimensionality reductions